Introduction: What, Where, How and When?

Class 6th Learnwell History Lesson 1 solution

Introduction: What, Where, How and When?

A. Multiple choice questions

1.They study about the remains of building made of stone and bricks, paintings and sculpture.

a. Archeologists

b. Historians

c. Information Officers

d. Geologists

Answer: a. Archeologists

2. Year after the birth of Jesus Christ are counted as_____________.

a. Forward

b. backward

c. upward

d. Downward

Answer: a. Forward

3. The language(s) of the manuscripts written during ancient period was/were

a. Sanskrit

b. Prakrit

c. Brahmi

d. Both a and b

Answer: d. Both a and b

4. Indica was written by:

a. Kalhana

b. Falxlan

c. Megasthenese

d. Xuanzang

Answer: c. Megasthenese

B. Fill in the blanks

  1. The process of reading and understanding inscriptions is known as decipherment.
  2. The art of making pictures and symbols by carving on stone is called stone carving/stone sculpture.
  3. Manuscript were usually written onpalm leaves and the bark of birch trees.
  4. The study of coin is called numismatic.

C.  Very short answer type questions.

  1. Define the term History.

Answer: The word ‘history’ is derived from the Greek word ‘historia’ which means enquiry or the knowledge acquired by exploration.

2. Name the leaf on which manuscript in ancient period were usually written?

Answer: Manuscript were usually written on palm leaf in the ancient period.

3. What is a biography?

Answer: A history of a person’s life written by somebody else is known as biography

D.  Very short answer type questions.

1 .What are monuments?  What do they depict?

Answer: A monument is a structure or object that has been created to commemorate or mark an event person or culture or historical significance.

              Monuments depict about the period in which they were built the artistic skill of that period, the religion that received the patronage of builders or rulers etc.

2. What led to the establishment of powerful kingdom in the northern plains?

Answer.   The northern plains are formed by two important rivers –(i) River Indus  and (ii) River Ganga.

Since there plains are formed by alluvial deposits if there two rivers therefore these plain are very fertile and suitable for agriculture.

Many powerful kingdom like Mauryan and the Guptas established in northern plains. Because these plains were suitable for human  settlement, agricultural, activities, transport, and fishing activities.

3. Why is it important to Know about the past?

Answer: It is important to know about the past because:

(i) History allows us to comprehend the factors that cause change.

(ii) History promotes patriotism and enhances responsible citizenship.

(iii) History helps us understand what informed the actions of those before us.

(iv) History equips us with vital skill like data analysis, research, expertise etc.

(v) History is fun by exploring and discovering new things.



Hi, It's me Dinkar working as Vice Principal of R.K. Mission School, Khagaria Bihar. Alumnus- Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya BIT Mesra Ranchi Jharkhand, Graduation: St. Xavier's College Ranchi Jharkhand. Post Graduation: Nalanda Open University, Patna, B.Ed: G.D. Rungta College of Science and Technology, Bhilai Durg Chhattisgarh.

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